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Wondering How Self-Swab COVID-19 Tests Work? We Found Out.
The CVS drive-through line isn’t just for picking up prescriptions anymore, it’s also a one-stop shop for COVID-19 testing. And the person who is collecting the sample to be tested, isn’t a health care worker—it’s you. If you’ve wondered what the self-swab process is like, WFAE’s Sarah Delia has this hands-on account. Read the full […]

SBE Symposium: Virology in the SARS-CoV-2 Era
SYMPOSIUM: VIROLOGY IN THE SARS-COV-2 ERA I MEETING OF SYSTEMATICS, BIOGEOGRAPHY, AND EVOLUTION July 28-30, 2020 [Recorded on YouTube] UNC Charlotte Speakers: Phylogenomics of Orthocoronavirinae: evolutionary relationships between coronaviruses and their hosts. Visualizing transmission networks of pathogens using phylogenetic data with StrainHub July 28, 2020 | 4:50-5:15pm EST Denis Jacod Machado, Ph.D. July 28, 2020 […]
Epidemiology needs more interdisciplinary teams with expertise in molecular systematics, public health and food safety
New Article Published in Cladistics by Marc W. Allard and Eric W. Brown Abstract What are considered fundamental principles within the Willi Hennig Society and published in their journal are not always fully appreciated by many other biological fields that have not been schooled in these disciplines of systematics principles and the reasons for why […]
Origins of SARS‐CoV‐1 and SARS‐CoV‐2 are often poorly explored in leading publications
New Article Published in Cladistics by John Wenzel Abstract In the rush to understand the coronaviruses that threaten human health, authors of many prominent papers have not performed phylogenetic analyses to the standard of the field today. Errors include faulty placement of the root of the phylogeny, outdated methods of reconstruction, poor taxon sampling, inappropriate […]

Article Published: Four Challenges Associated with Current Mathematical Modeling Paradigm of Infectious Diseases and Call for a Shift
Article Published: Four Challenges Associated with Current Mathematical Modeling Paradigm of Infectious Diseases and Call for a Shift Shi Chen, Ph.D , Patrick Robinson, M.D., FIDSA, FACP, Daniel Janies, Ph.D, Michael Dulin, M.D., Ph.D Open Forum Infectious Diseases, ofaa333 Abstract: Mathematical models are critical tools to characterize COVID-19 dynamics and take actions accordingly. We identified […]

Article Published: Genetic capitalism and stabilizing selection of antimicrobial resistance genotypes in Escherichia coli
Cover Image: Global molecular phylogeny of Escherichia coli isolates from the Pathogen Detection project akin to the data used in Ford et al., in this issue of Cladistics entitled “Genetic capitalism and stabilizing selection of antimicrobial resistance genotypes in Escherichia coli”. (Image Credit Daniel Janies and Zachary Witter, University of North Carolina at Charlotte). Small […]
Article Published: FLAVi: An Enhanced Annotator for Viral Genomes of Flaviviridae
FLAVi: An Enhanced Annotator for Viral Genomes of Flaviviridae Adriano de Bernadi Schneider, Denis Jacob Machado, Sayal Guirales and Daniel A. Janies Viruses 2020, 12(8), 892 Abstract Responding to the ongoing and severe public health threat of viruses of the family Flaviviridae, including dengue, hepatitis C, West Nile, yellow fever, and Zika, demands a greater […]

World Mosquito Day 2020: Malaria Centre Spotlight on…Anopheles stephensi: A future threat in Africa?
This seminar aims to summarise the current state of knowledge on An. stephensi in Africa – including its competence to transmit local malaria parasites, geographical origin and dispersal dynamics, capacity to spread to other regions, control methods and programmatic response needed to tackle this emergent future threat. For more information, visit the LSHTM site here: […]
UNC Charlotte Bioinformatics Professor Mentioned in NY Times for COVID-19 Wastewater Testing
Dr. Cynthia Gibas, UNC Charlotte professor, Mentioned in NY Times article for COVID-19 wastewater testing. Looking to Reopen, Colleges Become Labs for Coronavirus Tests and Tracking Apps The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is waiting for the delivery of technology that will automatically dip into sewage for samples at roughly 20 residence halls. The […]
Biopharmaceutical Applied Sciences Symposium: Stats of COVID-19
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: BIOPHARMACEUTICAL APPLIED STATISTICS SYMPOSIUM (BASS) CENTERED AROUND STATISTICAL ASPECTS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC September 9-10 Speakers from industry, FDA, and academia presented ~45-50 minute talks followed by 10-15 minute Q&A sessions on the aforementioned theme. In addition to the FDA’s presentation on regulatory guidance of COVID-19 clinical trials, industry presenters this year represent: […]