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Research program coming to UNC Charlotte could help prevent world’s next pandemic
WBTV and Jamie Boll recently visited the CIPHER Research Center for a story featured on WBTVs’, “On Your Side with Jamie Boll”. Click here to view the story…

ADVANCED COMPUTING AT UNC CHARLOTTE INDICATES CURRENT ANTIBODIES EFFECTIVE AGAINST NEWLY EMERGENT SARS-COV-2 XBB.1.5 A team at UNC Charlotte’s Center for Computational Intelligence to Predict Health and Environmental Risks (CIPHER) and Tuple, a Charlotte-based genomics consulting firm, has used artificial intelligence to rapidly assess the public health implications of the newly emergent SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.5 variant. […]

De-CIPHER-ing the Future of Human Health
Experts from more than 20 disciplines have combined forces through CIPHER – the Center for Computational Intelligence to Predict Health and Environmental Risks. From infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance to food safety and ecosystem health, the threats to human health seem to be endless and complex. At UNC Charlotte, a team of researchers is finding […]

Understanding the role of bats in virus research
WBTV’s Jamie Boll returned to the CIPHER Research Center for a discussion with Laurel Yohe PH.D. to learn more about bats, Click here to view the story featured on…”On Your Side with Jamie Boll” Understanding the role of bats in virus research

SBE Meeting 2021 Special Symposium with UNC Charlotte
UNC Charlotte + SBE Meeting 2021 Special Symposium The SBE meeting 2021 will occur from June 19 to 23, 2021. This is a five-day event, Saturday to Wednesday, completely free of charge, and 100% online. On Monday, June 21 at 2PM Eastern, the SBE meeting 2021 will be hosting a special symposium from the Bioinformatics […]

Our research helps inform the FDA about COVID-19 vaccination
Alex Dornburg, Ph.D. Dr. Alex Dornburg’s (UNC Charlotte’s Department of Bioinformatics) paper on the infection by SARS-CoV-2 with alternate frequencies of mRNA vaccine boosting forms the basis of section 5.2.1 in the FDA briefing document for the upcoming booster decision later this week. The paper was written together with Dr. Jeffrey P. Townsend (Yale University […]

Carrier Selected for 2021 Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Award
Carrier Selected for 2021 Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Award Tyler Carrier, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2020, is the 2021 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award winner in Biological Sciences/Life Sciences for his work on “Symbiosis Across Diet-Induced Phenotypes of Larval Sea Urchins”. Through his research on marine invertebrates, Carrier has examined the ability of organisms to not only […]

UNC Charlottes’s Dr. Janies on WFAE 90.7: As The Delta Variant Of COVID-19 Increases, Cases And Hospitalizations Rise In The U.S.
UNC Charlottes’s Dr. Janies on WFAE 90.7: As The Delta Variant Of COVID-19 Increases, Cases And Hospitalizations Rise In The U.S. With a COVID-19 vaccine and the United States seemingly opening up from the pandemic, things were starting to get back to normal just in time for summer. People started seeing friends and family, traveling […]

UNC Charlotte has the only lab in the county that is sequencing positive COVID-19 tests
UNC Charlotte’s Drs. Cynthia Gibas and Jessica Schlueter are running the only lab in Mecklenburg County sequencing positive COVID-19 tests The latest SARS-CoV-2 data shows that the Delta variant accounts for at least 62% of positive COVID-19 cases in Mecklenburg County. That information was determined by scientists studying the virus’ genetic makeup right on the […]

Global Guardians
Not all superheroes wear capes. Some don lab coats and goggles as they use their scholarly powers to identify new ways to predict and thwart the threat of planet-wide pandemics. An interdisciplinary team of UNC Charlotte researchers — who like movie superheroes possess an extraordinary ability to make the world a better place — are […]