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New Research Could Help Address Threats To Reefs
Corals depend on their symbiotic relationships with the algae that they host. But how do they keep algal population growth in check? The answer to this fundamental question could help reefs survive in a changing climate. New work published in Nature Communications by a team including UNC Charlotte researcher and lead author Tingting Xiang and […]

Special Cross Sciences Speaker in Microbial Genomics – Dr. Jason Papin
Special Cross Sciences Speaker in Microbial Genomics Dr. Jason Papin, Ph.D. University of Virginia Talk Title: Systems biology of microbial pathogens Date: Tuesday January 14, 2020 Time: 12:00 to 1:00 pm Location: Atkins Library, Room 271 Bio: Jason Papin is a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia. After his […]
CCI Hosts Coronavirus Panel
On Friday, January 31, UNC Charlotte’s College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) hosted a multidisciplinary forum to discuss and answer questions about Coronaviruses. In response to concerns, and even misinformation, about the situation playing out in Wuhan, China (and beyond), CCI used its weekly Graduate Student Seminar as the platform for this unique discussion of […]

Biology Seminar: Phages and their impacts on animal host biology – Dr. Brittany A. Leigh
Biology Seminar: Phages and their impacts on animal host biology Friday, February 7⋅12:30 – 1:30pm CHHS 161 Description: Seminar by Dr. Brittany A. Leigh, Vanderbilt University
What do we need to know about the coronavirus (CoV) emergent from Wuhan China in the long and short terms?
We have shown connections between SARS-CoV and bat-hosted CoV in previous peer-reviewed research. The long term questions surround the potential of other animal-hosted viruses that connect bat-hosted and human-hosted viruses? Now that 2019-nCoV emergent from Wuhan seems to be transmitted human-to-human, the short term question is how to contain Wuhan-CoV? Articles: Ohio State University – […]
Local pharmacies out of surgical masks amid coronavirus concerns
Local pharmacies said a lot of people concerned about COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, have been asking about surgical masks. On Thursday, Channel 9 stopped by two pharmacies and both were completely out of masks. The owner of Harrisburg Hometown Pharmacy, Sherrie Everhart, said they’ve been out of surgical masks for more than a week now. […]
Charlotte Talks: Are We Ready For A Pandemic?
The National Academy of Medicine predicts future pandemics could kill millions and cost trillions. Some worry it’s just a matter of time. Perhaps history’s most infamous pandemic was the Bubonic Plague – it ravaged 14th century Europe and killed an estimated 25 million people, about one third of Europe’s population. Of course, modern medicine has […]
Positive test for Coronavirus in Wake County raises concerns for the spread of the virus to other areas
Dr. Daniel Janies appears on air in light of a positive test for Coronavirus in Wake County raises concerns for the spread of the virus to other areas View the WSOCTV report here.
Charlotte Talks: Mecklenburg County And North Carolina Respond To Coronavirus Outbreak
A local update on what public health officials are doing to keep abreast of the coronavirus. So far, we haven’t been affected here in Mecklenburg County, but the governor declared a state of emergency on Tuesday. What should you do? What is being done to keep the area healthy? As reports of coronavirus increase in […]