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Dr. Munir mentioned in “COVID-19 study in Kannapolis contributes data to wastewater surveillance”
UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Mariya Munir mentioned in “COVID-19 study in Kannapolis contributes data to wastewater surveillance” “Data collected by researchers in Kannapolis is helping with a statewide study tracking the presence of coronavirus in what people flush down their toilets.” “The samples collected from the Cabarrus locations are being analyzed by a team at UNC-Charlotte […]
Drs. Janies and Binns Presentation: The Science Behind SARS CoV-2 and COVID-19
Dr. Daniel Janies and Dr. Ian Binns will make a plenary presentation: “The Science Behind SARS CoV-2 and COVID-19” At the 2021 Virtual Conference of the International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education. Saturday March 20, 2021 at 310 PM EDT Presentation Link: Recording on YouTube:
Presentations by MIDAS COVID-19 Urgent Grant Program award recipients
Presentations by MIDAS COVID-19 Urgent Grant Program award recipients Friday, March 26, 12:00 – 1:00pm Eastern Time (US): Register now! Speakers: Elizabeth Carlton, University of Colorado: Using climate & mobility data to model SARS-CoV-2 Shi Chen, University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Data Mining & Transfer Learning for Modeling COVID Kyle Dahlin, University of Georgia: […]
Dr. Janies on WBTV’s Good Question Podcast “I’m Vaccinated…Now What?”
UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Daniel Janies Speaks on WBTV’s Good Question Podcast “I’m Vaccinated…Now What?” The podcast is an extension of On Your Side Tonight’s Good Question franchise, which was launched in 2018. The segment airs questions about anything from new construction in Charlotte to guidelines for the COVID-19 vaccines.
“Microbiome reduction and endosymbiont gain from a switch in sea urchin life history” has been accepted into PNAS
Publication Alert: “Microbiome reduction and endosymbiont gain from a switch in sea urchin life history” has been accepted into PNAS From the Reitzel Lab at UNC Charlotte Microbes have a strong impact on the biology of their host, with those living in the gut being essential to immunity, development, and metabolism. A functional gut, however, […]
UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Daniel Janies Speaks on the Down the Wormhole Podcast
UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Daniel Janies Speaks on the Down the Wormhole Podcast “The Pandemic Podcast (One Year Later)” One year ago, way back in episode 30, Dr. Daniel Janies spoke with us about the emerging SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resultant COVID-19 infections which were quickly spreading around the world. Now, as multiple vaccines are rolling […]

UNC Charlotte researchers analyzed the host origins of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses
UNC Charlotte researchers analyzed the host origins of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses From the Janies Lab at UNC Charlotte To clarify the origins of coronavirus’ infections in humans, researchers from the Bioinformatics Research Center (BRC) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) performed the largest and most comprehensive evolutionary analyses to date. […]
Do mosquitoes bite certain people more than others? One Charlotte expert says yes.
The female mosquito is the one that bites – and she’s looking to get some of your blood so she can digest it and convert it into the energy she needs to make her eggs. UNC Charlotte Professor Dr. Daniel Janies says he can explain why mosquitoes are especially bad in the Charlotte area. “We’ve […]
Tube anemone has the largest animal mitochondrial genome ever sequenced
The tube anemone Isarachnanthus nocturnus is only 15 cm long but has the largest mitochondrial genome of any animal sequenced to date, with 80,923 base pairs. The human mitochondrial genome (mitogenome), for example, comprises 16,569 base pairs. Tube anemones (Ceriantharia) are the focus of an article recently published in Scientific Reports describing the findings of […]
Charlotte Ranks in Top 10 for Mosquito Cities
An itchy summer is ahead for the city of Charlotte, according to Orkin. The bug company recently released their 2019 rankings of top mosquito cities, with the Queen City ranking number nine. With an increase of international travel, UNC Charlotte Professor Daniel Janies says the insects can bring risks of other diseases from far and […]