
Center for Computational Intelligence to Predict Health & Environmental Risks

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CIPHER has a podcast!

“de-CIPHERing Infectious Disease” explores the cutting-edge interdisciplinary research happening at UNC Charlotte’s CIPHER Research Center. Each episode features an in-depth interview with one of CIPHER’s researchers, allowing them to discuss their background, current projects, and the exciting team science approach they take to tackle complex issues at the intersection of health, environment, data science, genomics, infectious disease, and more.

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Featured News

Battling Bird Flu: Khaled Obeid Dissects Data on Avian Influenza

Avian influenza, or bird flu, is a virus that is on the mind of many in the United States and globally. The disease, which historically is transmitted by wild and farm birds, recently has jumped to other farm animals and humans. The mass infections of chickens has forced farmers to reduce their flocks resulting in the rise in egg prices.

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